Community Engaged Research

Faculty and students in the COEHS are making a difference in the lives of people in New Mexico, and beyond, by engaging in campus-community partnerships that are mutually beneficial and address real community needs. This work is based in COEHS scholars and community members working in collaborative partnerships which facilitate the equal exchange of information, ideas, expertise and decision making.

COEHS faculty and students partner with community-based organizations, schools, healthcare providers and more to create community centered programming that leads to greater knowledge and understanding. Here are a few examples of the community engaged scholarship within the college:

Competition for all

COEHS Physical Education Teacher Education PETE program and Sandia Prep host the first-ever Adaptive Sports Day

restorative practice partnership logo

Restorative Practice Partnership

COEHS faculty and Garfield Middle School are creating a fundamental pipeline of restorative practices from children to future teachers in the classroom

Read the UNM Newsroom article.

Resources to Support Your Community Engaged Research

COEHS’s Community Engaged Scholarship Policy: In 2019 COEHS faculty voted on a definition of community engaged scholarship and evidence for tenure and promotion

UNM’s Community Engaged Learning & Research: interdisciplinary, university-wide office committed to supporting community engaged scholarship and teaching

If you are a COEHS faculty or student who is engaged in community-based research and would like your work featured on this page, please let us know by completing this form: Featured Stories