ad hoc Research Advisory Council

The COEHS research advisory council is an ad hoc committee composed of a faculty representative from each department. The council is charged with advising the Associate Dean of Research and Distance Education (ADRDE) on research matters and spending related to research within the college. This includes serving as the review panel for internal awards, conducting the annual review of research centers, considering faculty requests for research funding support, and providing council on matters of research. Faculty interested in serving on this committee should speak with their department chairs as this is a department appointment.

The ad hoc Research Advisory Council will consider funding requests related to research endeavours at their monthly meetings. This includes research related events, support for publication fees, help with overspent indexes associated with external funding, small amounts of seed funding, and other fiscally related research requests. These funds cannot be used to support faculty travel associated with dissemination of research. To make a request, please complete this form: Request Support