Managing your Awards

The COEHS Research Team is committed to provide timely and accurate assistance to our Primary Investigators (PIs) with external awards, external sponsors and other University personnel. We assist people in exercising good fiscal management practices for the administration of externally funded sponsored programs. Our support starts from the establishment of the award to close out. We provide expertise to interpret guidelines and promote compliance with sponsor and university policy.

We often are asked what is the difference between the research support team (RST) and the fiscal shared services (FSS), and the answer is the source of the funding. The easiest way to tell if you funding is internal or external is to look at your index number. If it says 356XXX then you will use the forms below and send all questions to If the index number is any other number contact and use the form in the COEHS’s intranet.

Post award Open Meetings

3rd Wednesday of every month from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm via

Post Award Toolkit

Click on the boxes below to learn more about our services and find electronic forms to request services. To ensure speedy support, please completely fill in the forms with required attachments.

Use For
  • Prior Approval for Travel
  • Travel Requests (accommodations paid by UNM)
  • Travel reimbursement
    • Forms
      • Prior Approval for Travel email (Req’d)

Use For
  • Prior purchasing approvals for out of pocket expenses
  • Purchasing Goods
  • Paying for professional services (Consultants)
  • Event Support Request
  • Purchasing reimbursement
    • Forms
      • Prior Approval Form out of pocket expenses (Req’d)

Use for
  • Faculty Requests
    • New Faculty Hire
    • Non Standard Payment
    • Summer Research
    • Course Buyout
  • Staff Requests
    • New Staff Hire
    • Staff FTE Change
    • Staff Salary Redistribution
    • End Staff appointment
  • Graduate Students Requests
    • New Assistantship
    • Extend Assistantship
    • Terminate Assistantship
  • Undergraduate Requests
    • New Undergraduate hire
    • Undergraduate extension
    • Undergraduate termination
  • To ensure the department is getting the money for your course buyout, please complete this form in the semester BEFORE you use your course buyout.
  • This form will flow to your department chair, so be sure they are aware before completing the form.
  • Be sure to choose “faculty” to submit a course buyout.
  • We can set up monthly index reports to come straight to your email! Remember the month closes on the seventh of the following month (November closes on December 7th)
  • Request Monthly Fiscal Reports
  • This forms should be used by all staff hired on external funds. It allows the PI to approve the leave while also notifying the post award team of the leave (it makes processing timesheets much easier!)
  • Staff Leave Requests
  • Often we collaborate across the university on funded work, but this does not appear in the COEHS accounts. This makes it hard for us to support you getting summer research money or courses buyouts.
  • Use this form to let us know you are funded from another non-COEHS index
  • To help plan monthly activities across an academic year, use the COEHS Monthly Planning (the link from ‘other forms’ currently)
  • Having trouble with your effort certification, use this job aid to get it done (link from the ‘Other Forms’ currently)
  • This process is changing, so we will update this area when the changes are complete
  • Coming in 2024!

Expected Transaction Times

Transaction Type

Submit to COEHS Post Award by

Transaction will be Entered within

Estimated time to payment from transaction entered date

Purchasing Goods Request

14 days prior to needed date

3-5 Business Days

7-10 business days

Purchasing Travel with UNM P-card

30 days prior to travel

7-10 business days

Reservations will be available immediately upon payment by post award

Event Request

30 days prior to event date

7-10 business days

Event will be available by final payment date

Reimbursements for goods

Max 80 days after purchase

7-10 business days

14 days after Post award enters transaction

Travel reimbursement

Max 80 days after return date

7-10 business days

14 days after Post award enters transaction


60 days prior to payment

7-10 Business days

4-8 weeks after entered by Post award

Faculty Non Standard Payments

60 days prior

7-10 business days

Last day of month if entered by the 15 th, last day of the following month if entered later

Course Buyout

30 days prior to semester

7-10 business days


Graduate Assistantship Contracts

30 Days prior to start date

7-10 business days

20 days after submission by post award

All New Hires

90 days prior to start

Depends on employment type

Depends on employment type

Termination Request

30 days prior to end date

3-5 business days aligning to employment area policies and procedures

End Date

*****June/July is peak times for post award. Please be aware that delays may occur due to high volume of closeouts and new awards.

Other Helpful Links