
The COEHS is a driver in innovation, research and discovery across the state growing our economy as well as producing the next generation of cutting-edge researchers.

Sponsored Research Activity


In fiscal year 2023, the COEHS saw a 286% increase in sponsored research activity in the college!

graph of expenditure levels

Facility and Administration Cost Recovery (F&A)

In fiscal year 2023, the COEHS saw a 113% increase in F&A returned to the COEHS! Over $24,000 was returned to individual faculty.

graph of Facility and Administration Cost Recovery (F&A)

The college splits F&A among different units, including individual faculty PIs. Please see the Research Support pages for the actual administrative policy.

Proposal and Awards Activities

Proposals: In fiscal year 2023, 45 proposals were submitted by faculty, staff and graduate students (with their advisor as co-PI).

graph of proposal and submitted numbers


In fiscal year 2023, COEHS faculty, students and staff had a 47% success rate in receiving awards. Twenty-one proposals were awarded to faculty, graduate students and staff for a total of $7,413,911 in new awards.

graph of awarded funds


Faculty and staff research projects are helping to grow the New Mexico economy. In fiscal year 2023, 56 people were employed by sponsored research monies awarded to COEHS faculty and staff.

graph of employment as result of awards

Doctoral Students

The COEHS leads the state in developing the next generation of researchers. In fiscal year 2023, 42 students graduated from the COEHS with doctoral degrees.

graph of doctoral students employed as a result of awards