COEHS Research Centers and Institutes

UNM’s COEHS category II centers are focused on addressing issues facing in New Mexico and beyond by engaging faculty and students from across our departments in collaborative environments.

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Family Development Program (FDP)

The Family Development Program asks a fundamental question every day..."How are the children?” We envision a future for New Mexico where the well-being of our children and their families is at the heart of everything we do.

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Institute for American Indian Education (IAIE)

The mission of the Institute for American Indian Education is to support community intergenerational well-being and educational outcomes of Indigenous Peoples by cultivating the quality of educational professionals through community engagement with Native Nations and collaborative partnerships with educational stakeholders.

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Institute for Professional Development (IPD)

IPD is dedicated to enhancing student learning by supporting educators through innovative professional development. IPD works with educators in pre-K through college settings, as well as with school districts.

Latin American Programing in Education (LAPE)

LAPE is a Category II center in the COEHS dedicated to building programming and relationships in central and south America.

Multicultural Education Center (MEC)

A major aim of the MEC is to advocate for multicultural education, research, programs, and policies that recognize and honor cultural and linguistic diversity and nurture culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy and teaching practices. and state policymakers, to

American Indian Language Policy Research and Teacher Training Center

This Category II Center aims to serve as a local and national center of collaborative research that examines major policy issues affecting the survival and maintenance of American Indian languages. The Center also provides a venue for building an international dialogue about language issues that extends to other indigenous languages of the Americas. Developing and providing native language teacher training programs and technical assistance support for American Indian tribes engaged in language maintenance and preservation initiatives is another key aspect of the Center's outreach and service.

AILP Center